£500m Owed To Courts

Courts across the country are owed more than £500m in unpaid fines.
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Half of criminals caught with guns escape minimum jail term

Only half of criminals convicted of using guns are given the minimum jail term, new figures show.
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UK’s worst teen thug is jailed at last

Britain’s worst teenage thug is finally behind bars after he had been allowed to breach his Asbo an astonishing 21 times.
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Benefits worker invented an ‘army of triplets’ to help gang hijack £250,000 in tax credits

A Jobcentre worker invented an army of imaginary triplets to help a gang pocket £250,000 by hijacking benefits accounts.
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Medical executive who stole art worth £10,000 for ‘the buzz’ escapes with a fine

A medical executive who stole almost £10,000 worth of art has walked free from court after only receiving a fine for his string of thefts.
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